On behalf of Portrun Development Association, I welcome you to our official website. The purpose of this website is to showcase Portrunny to the world for its natural landscape and unspoiled shoreline on Lough Ree. It will also be the central point for key information relating to the area such as heritage, local folklore, our waterways, facilities and upcoming events and news.
We would also acknowledge IPB Insurance who have kindly supported this website through their IPB Community Engagement Fund which provides funding to community groups as part of their commitment to ‘giving back to society’. Our website has been designed by Opacity Design who have provided valuable experience to our project.
Our committee have enjoyed working on this project and I congratulate them on their hard work and dedication.
We hope you enjoy our website and all Portrunny has to offer.
Go raibh maith agat,
Chairperson – Portrun Development Association.
March 2017
Our website privacy policy can be found here Privacy Policy